Monday, February 24, 2014

The Six Elements of Success

Success in never a coincidence, they say. Unlike most forms of therapy that seek to understand the reasons why we feel bad or why something is not working for us, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) focuses on what works. NLP is a model of success and its developers have studied extensively what the most important factors of success are, regardless of how you define success.
After studying countless studies and models, I have come to realize that success in practically anything in life can be crystallized on six elements. The six elements of success are, in fact, perhaps best understood by questions that you can ask yourself: 
1. Where are you?
  • How happy and successful are you right now? What kind of thinking and what kinds of actions have taken you to where you are at the moment?
  • What are your assets and liabilities? Make a list of them and take a good inventory of your current state.
  • From now on, rather than thinking how far you still have to go to reach your goals, enjoy the distance you have already travelled.
2. What do you want?
  • What is the worthy goal that you want to achieve? How do you know when you have achieved what you want?
“If you do not know where you are going, any road will get you there.” – Lewis Carroll

3. Why do you want it?
  • Do you have a genuine motivation to work on your goal? Is the goal coming from within you or is it, in fact, set by an outside authority? Does your journey toward your goal enhance your level of happiness?
”The most successful people are those people who truly ‘believe’ in what they do. Not that they just say they do. They have a passion for what they do.” – Richard Bandler & John La Valle
4. What stops/has stopped you from reaching your goal?
  • What are your limiting beliefs? Do you have all the necessary resources to reach your goal?
”Beliefs shape the way we feel, think, and act.” – Mandy Evans
5. How do you reach your goal?
  • What is your strategy and, above all, what kind of action and behavior is required from you to reach your success?
  • What is your first step toward your desired outcome? When will you take it?
  • Take action.
“Without action there’s no possibility of success.” -Richard Bandler & Garner Thomson
6. How are you doing?
  • Remember: there are no failures along the way, only feedback. If one way of acting is not getting you the results you want, act differently.
  • Keep refining your actions until you get what you want.
“Doing the same things in the same way will only get you the same results. If you want different results, something has to change.” – Hannu Pirilä

The formula for success is, after all, quite simple, and it can be executed by anyone. Some of us have found the formula and its elements by themselves. For most of us, however, figuring out the things listed above, can be tricky (if this wasn’t so, most of the people in the world would define themselves as being successful).
NLP based Success Coaching helps the client especially with these six elements. It contains, however, also a lot more when needed. We all define by ourselves what success means to us. The purpose of Success Coaching is to not only help the client to define that, but also to provide them with assistance and insights to figure out how to achieve the success they want – and to enjoy their journey.
”When you make great, big goals – whether you get to them or not – the things that happen along the way are what makes life wonderful.” - Richard Bandler

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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Values and Meaning – What Is Important and Why?

In the business world, values and mission statements have been discussed for a long time already – although in many cases they have been more like just plain words and a part of the company image, than actually guiding operators of action. If we, however, really give them some actual focus, they can have a huge significance in our lives, especially in a long run.
Very few of us have considered these things on our own personal level, though. This is a pity, since values and meanings play a remarkable role when it comes to achieving personal success and happiness.
“Knowing what your values are is excellent, because happiness comes from living your values every single day, regardless of how close or far away your goals may seem to be.” - Paul McKenna

Consideration of this subject is good to start by asking yourself: “what is important to me?” – and wait for the answer. As you ask yourself this question, you will probably get a small list of values like money, love, happiness, success, kids, work etc. These first values are usually more or less obvious and therefore we should not necessarily settle for them only.
We should go and examine this first list a little deeper. You can do this by asking yourself: “what is important to me about money?” or “why is love important to me?” and so on. Ask these questions regarding every value on your list.
Now you probably start to get some different kind of answers, like “with money I can feed my family,” “with money I can improve my quality of life,” “being loved makes me happy,” “having someone to love means that I care for other people” or perhaps something similar or maybe something totally different.
You can continue asking these “what is important to me about…?” and “why is (X) important to me?” questions for quite a long time per value. This way we can very often reveal some deeper values that are, in fact, more important to us than the values that first come to our mind.
After you have listed a total of about six to ten values, it is important to put them into an order of importance. This can be achieved by comparing the values in pairs.
So, take the first two values on your list and ask yourself, which one is more important? After you know the answer to that, take the one that is more important to you and make the same comparison to the third value on your list. For example, if the first two values on your list are money and love, ask yourself first: “which one is more important to me, money or love?” Let’s say that you find love to be more important of those two and the third value on your list is happiness, you then ask yourself: “which one is more important to me, love or happiness?” Again, take the more important value from these two and make the comparison between that and the fourth value on your list.
Go through your whole list of values this way, all the way down to the last value. Whatever value “wins” the last comparison, is your most important value. Write it down on a new list as your Number 1 Value and strike it out from your original list.
Now go through the comparisons again with the rest of the values on your list. Whatever value “wins” this round is your second most important value. Write it down on the new list as your Number 2 Value and strike it out from your original list. Keep on working this way until you have put all your values into a value hierarchy.
Next it is time to examine your value hierarchy a bit closer. Are there any value conflicts present? A value conflict may be born when one value, in one way or another, prevents the fulfillment of another value. For example, let’s say that you have “freedom” as your Number 1 Value and “family” as your Number 2 Value. Now, in some level, you might feel that having a family prevents you from achieving the freedom in life that you desire and that might be a remarkable value conflict for you.
Value conflicts are quite common and they can significantly prevent us from achieving the success and happiness we desire. A value conflict can in fact very well be the key issue there.
Another thing to look for is if there are any values in your hierarchy that are based on avoidance of something. This is important because if there are values that are based on avoiding something, it means that your focus is then on the negative, and every time you focus on something that you don’t want, you’ll feel bad (you can read more about this subject in my blog article "Feeling Bad vs. Feeling Good."). For example, if the importance of family is based on your avoidance of being lonely, it means that at least part of your focus on family gives you, in fact, bad feelings.
What has been explained above, is a rather simple way of finding out what is important to us in life. When we examine the questions long and deep enough, we might find an answer to as big a question as what is the purpose of our life.
Whether you find your purpose of life through defining your value hierarchy or not, it would be quite beneficial for you to write your own mission statement, based on your values. A mission statement is a compressed, one or two sentence long, description of what is most important to you. It could be something like: “My mission in life is to help in a best possible way my children to start their own independent lives and live my own life to the fullest.”
Okay, that might not touch you, but do write your own mission statement!
As I have stated earlier, companies have declared their mission statements for ages already. Microsoft, for example, states that their mission and values are the following: “At Microsoft, our mission and values are to help people and businesses throughout the world realize their full potential.” As another example, Nike’s mission statement is “To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world.”
So why is finding out our values and mission or purpose in life so important? Values and purpose give us a direction. Without direction and purpose, our life – or in a company’s case, their business – will easily drift to areas that do not bring us satisfaction, not to mention happiness. Values and purpose, along with well-formed goals, will help us keep the right direction in our lives and in our actions. And when we keep moving toward a direction in our life that brings us the most satisfaction and pleasure, then life itself will be worth living.
To bring that business aspect along a bit more, just imagine how it would feel like to work in a company that has a clear direction and that has products or services that really matter?
“Effective mission statements have three qualities in common: passion, purpose and direction.” - Richard Bandler & Garner Thomson

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